Coronation Lunch in Formosa Garden
In glorious sunshine over 152 Formosa residents gathered to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. The central tables were filled to capacity, with late registrants bringing their own tables and picnics to join in the fun. Everyone brought dishes to share – with a frequent appearance of Coronation Chicken and the controversial quiche/tart and Jubilee trifle much in evidence. Irina Miklavchich and Cheryl Prax organised games for the younger guests with crown-decorating, bubble-blowing, biscuit-decorating and space hopper races.
In keeping with the occasion Formosa took the opportunity to have a formal dedication ceremony for the oak sapling which was originally envisioned to be part of the Queen's Green Canopy, launched during the Jubilee, but as events evolved dedicated to her memory. A brass plaque was planted at the foot of the tree by the actor, TV presenter and garden resident Sir Tony Robinson, who spoke warmly of his meetings with the Queen and asked the audience to give thanks for her many years of service to us all. The tree can be seen in the centre of the garden not far from the Med bed.
The organisers would like to thank Sir Tony for taking part and a big thanks above all to everyone who participated in both the setting up of the lunch and the clearing up afterwards and for the wonderful food and good company. It created a special national day for all.